Saturday, May 19, 2012

            Binge drinking is often popular among teenagers nowadays. Binge drinking is when someone drinks an excessive amount of alcohol within a short period of time. This is so dangerous I can’t even begin to dissect this matter. Many people turn their heads to underage drinking, that it simply doesn’t matter. I’m here; to mention that it does, teenagers aren’t drinking just for fun. They are drinking to escape their problems. Its bad enough they are drinking at all. This all starts with how much is enough to be drinking according to (About, 2012, Binge Drinking, npd).
            Drinking can seem like fun at first but with everything you do there, comes consequences. Kids across America are speaking that they had their first drink at the age of 10 for boys and 13 for girls. That’s a little bit too young in my books I would expect 17 but not 10 or 13. Their goals for drinking are mainly to get drunk and feel that buzz and lose consciousness which isn’t healthy. The ugly side to it is that it leads you with bad skin; it dehydrates your skin and rids it of its natural oils which leaves it cracked and peeling. Also you get a bad night of sleep; there is a chemical in alcohol that gives you a jolt of energy that will disrupt your ‘happy’ sleep according to (Life Script,Jennifer Gruenemay, 2006,npd). Weight gain and the severity of the effect of alcohol do dangers to you.  


  1. I completely agree with this post that binge drinking is bad and that drinking shouldn't begin at age 10 but you should've added more information because right when iI was getting into it, the post was over. I was looking forward to more information.

  2. Written by: DMiranda <3
    I appreciated how you gave the deffinition of binge drinking for those, like myself, who don't know what binge drinking is. I Deffinately agree with the point made that binge drinking is dangerous to those who are underaged. I really enjoyed reading those post (:

  3. This post was really interesting. I completely agree with everything you said, this blog is always one i come to. Keep up the good work (:

  4. This post is very serious and I love the information you put into it, I'm sure more people will think more before they pick up a drink next time. I agree that underage drinking is dangerous, and a lot of people do it just because they have "boring lives" or need something to do, now they now what their "fun" is doing to their body.

  5. i agree that some people should watch how much they drink and at what age the drink at good work.

  6. I agree with you 100%; I personally have had my first drink, but never have I ever binge drunk. I also don't planning on doing so till I get older (I'm currently 15). But good job posting this, the world's eyes must be open to this dilemma!

  7. I was surprised to hear how young people are when they had their first drink. Who knows what type of brain damage that you could sustain from drinking like that.
